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Founders’ CV

James Sheldon

Curriculum Vitae

January 5, 2024

Ph.D.               Teaching and Teacher Education, University of Arizona, May 2024 (expected)

M.A.                Mathematics, University of Northern Colorado, 2019

M.A.                Special Education, San Francisco State University, 2014

M.A.                Equity and Social Justice in Education, San Francisco State University, 2010

B.A.                 Interdisciplinary Computer Science Teaching, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2006


2022-24Instructional Faculty, Mathematics, Full-time Regular, Pima Community College
 Faculty Fellow, Contemplative Pedagogy, Pima Community College
2021-22Instructional Faculty, Mathematics, Full-time 1-Year Provisional, Pima Community College
 Discipline Coordinator, Liberal Arts Mathematics, Pima Community College
2013-15Educational Specialist, California Virtual Academies


Practitioner Books

2019           Tan, P., Padilla, A., Mason, E., & Sheldon, J. Humanizing disability in mathematics education: Forging new paths. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Peer Reviewed Practitioner Journals

2021Designing tasks for collaborative groupwork. MathAMATYC Educator, 13(1), 56-60.
2019Wood, M.B., Sheldon, J., Felton-Koestler, M.D., Oslund, J., Parks, A. N., Crespo, S., & Featherstone, H. Supporting equitable participation: Eight teaching moves. Teaching Children Mathematics, 25(4), 218-223.

Peer Reviewed Research Journals

2019           Rands, K & Sheldon, J. The Possibility of a Disability Studies in Education Continuing Education Course: A Deleuzoguattarian Stratoanalysis. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing 34(1), 83-90. http://journal.jctonline.org/index.php/jct/article/view/768/389

2017           Sheldon, J., & Rands, K. Whatever will be will be: Queering disabled subjects’ temporality. Philosophical Inquiry in Education, 24(4), 368–378. https://journals.sfu.ca/pie/index.php/pie/article/view/947.

2017           The pedagogy of the student: Reclaiming agency in receptive subject-positions.

Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 32(1), 91-103. http://journal.jctonline.org/index.php/jct/article/view/681/Sheldon.

2017           Problematizing reflexivity, validity, and disclosure: Research by people with disabilities about disability. The Qualitative Report, 22(4), 984-1000. http://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol22/iss4/4/.

Editor Reviewed Publications

2019           Towards a queer curriculum of infinity. In Letts, W. and Fifield, S. STEM of desire: Queer theories in science education. Brill. <https://www.thequeermathematicsteacher.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Sheldon-J.-2019.-Towards-a-Queer-Curriculum-of-Infinity.-In-STEM-of-Desire.pdf>

2016           “What works” doesn’t work: The problem with the call for evidence based practices in the classroom. Badass Teachers Association White Paper Series #2. http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED574817.pdf.

2016           Versatile: A queer interpretation of collaborative groupwork. In Brockenbrough, E., Ingrey, J., Martino, W, and Rodriguez, N.M. Critical Concepts in Queer Studies and Education: An International Guide for the Twenty-First Century.


2014           Transforming from the bottom up: A book review of mathematics for equity: A framework for successful practice. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 7(2). http://ed-osprey.gsu.edu/ojs/index.php/JUME/article/view/240/164.

2004           Grading students without degrading learning. In National Teaching and Learning Forum 13. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ntlf.10075/epdf.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

2018           Sheldon, J. and Rands, K. Constructing microworlds, constructing knowledge, constructing communities: Mathematical microworlds and constructivist theory, 40th North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (p. 1285).

2017           Sheldon, J. and Rands, K. Reframing mathematics disability: Emerging critical perspectives. 39th North American Chapter of the International Group for the

Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 1443).

2017           Lewis, K., Sheldon, J., et al. Critical perspectives on disability and mathematics education. 39th North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 1474-1480).

2016           Sheldon, J., Patterson, C., & Wood, M. Problem solving as co-construction of narrative: Collaboration and shared cognition in a calculus workshop. 38th North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 1149).

2016           Sheldon, J., Rands, K, et al. Reframing interventions in mathematics education: Emerging critical perspectives. 38th North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 1698-1703).

2013           Sheldon, J. and Rands, K. Queering, trans-forming, and en-gendering mathematics and mathematics education. 35th North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 1367-1373).

In Preparation

Safety and Risk: On Participation and Student Agency, draft manuscript Volume and Surface Area of an Iglu (Integrating a Catenary), draft manuscript Ill-Structured Tasks and Square Root Integrals, draft manuscript

An Applied Problem-Solving Approach to Calculus 1, draft IBL Course notes


Grant Writer

2022                 National COMmunity for Mathematical Inquiry in Teaching (COMMIT) Justice, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access Grant. (with Jamie Ryan.)

2022-25           Teaching for PROWESS Grant, Pima Community College (co-authored with a committee of faculty).

Cohort Participation

2023-25           Framing Mathematics as a Foundation for Ethical STEM (NSF Grant) 2023-                    Culturally Affirming Precalculus, University of Arizona (NSF Grant)


2020                 Hollis L. Caswell Laureate Scholarship, Kappa Delta Pi

2018                 Erasmus Circle Graduate Scholarship, College of Education, University of Arizona

2018                 Baer Reintegration Scholarship, The Center for Reintegration 2017                        Sir Alan Penrod Scholarship, Leather Leadership Conference

2013                 Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholarship, California State University


2023                 Dissertation Fellowship, Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program, California State University Office of the Chancellor

2021                 Striving for Excellence in Teaching Award, Pima Community College

2017                 Contemplative Social Justice Scholar, Center for Contemplative Mind in Society 2016    Graduate Student Paper Award, Journal of Curriculum Theorizing (Bergamo


2016                 Student Paper Winner, “The 2003 Naturist Youth Camp Controversy: A Case Study of Youth Agency,” Naturist Education Foundation

2016                 AERA Paulo Freire, Critical Pedagogy and Emancipation, SIG Travel Stipend 2016 Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program Scholar, California State University

Office of the Chancellor

2014                 Distinguished Achievement Award, Division of Graduate Studies, San Francisco State University

2010                 Conference Travel Grant, AERA Division D


Conference Presentations

2021                 Sheldon, J. and Rands, K. “If qualitative research isn’t generalizable, what is the point?”: Revisiting John Elliott’s concept of universalizable research.

International Conference of Qualitative Inquiry, Virtual, May 19-22.

2021                 An incipient queer meets a teacher educator: A virtual (auto-) duoethnography. American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, Virtual, Apr 29-May 1.

2020                 Sheldon, J and Rands, K. DisEdQueer (Disability Studies / in Education / Queer): A methodology of practice. International Conference of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, IL, May 20-23. (cancelled).

2020                 Bringing multiply marginalized identities into teaching: The role of non-teaching identities in the mathematics classroom. American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, San Francisco, CA, Apr 15-17.

2019                 Towards a queer curriculum of infinity: An extension of Sumara and Davis’ Queer Curriculum Theory. Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Practice, Dayton, OH, Oct 10-12.

2019                 “F*** it, Autism is a gender now”: a case study of an Autistic, Non-binary Mathematics teacher. Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Practice, Dayton, OH, Oct 10-12.

2019                 Mathematics teacher identity, teacher identity, and intersectional identities: An overview and recommendations for further research. Mathematics Education and Society International Conference, Hyderabad, India, Jan 28-Feb 2.

2018                 Beyond empiricism: The role of fiction in phenomenological research. Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, Dayton, OH, November 1-3.

2018                 Complicity in silence: Middle school and high school as an incipient queer. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, IL, May 16-19.

2018                 How do you even do this? A tour of queering mathematics and mathematics education. American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Conference, Queens, NY, April 11-13.

2017                 Sheldon, J. and Courey, S. Mathematical and queer identity in schools: Educational disparities and lost opportunities. American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, San Antonio, TX, April 24-27.

2016                 From no future to the ship of fools: Building an alternative futurity for children and adults with disabilities. International Somatechnics Conference, Byron Bay, Australia, December 1-3.

2016                 The learning of the oppressed: Reclaiming agency in receptive subject-positions.

Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, Dayton, OH, October 13-15.

2016                 Universal design for learning in Algebra 1 textbooks: A queer curriculum theory reading. Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, Dayton, OH, October 13-15.

2016                 Sheldon, J. and Rands, K. Normative temporality in the intervention paradigm: Towards a queer/trans critique. Trans*Studies: An International Transdisciplinary Conference on Gender, Embodiment, and Sexuality, Tucson, AZ, September 7-10.

2016                 Why subjectivity matters: Case studies of using queer autoethnography in educational research. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, IL, May 19-21.

2013                 Erasing queer subjects, constructing disabled subjects: Towards a queering of mathematics disabilities. Debilitating Queerness: DC Queer Studies Symposium, College Park, MD, April 5. http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED560838.pdf

2012                 Teaching the unteachable: Constructing a queer pedagogy by reading Samuel Delany’s The Mad Man. Delany at 70: Honoring the Life and Work of Samuel R. Delany: DC Queer Studies Symposium, College Park, MD, April 20.

2010                 The California Teachers’ Association Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender

Caucus: Transforming a heteronormative organization. American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 30-May 4.

2010                 (Re)Searching queer subjects: Issues and challenges in the development and implementation of queer methodologies. American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 30-May 4. http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED538185.pdf.

Sessions Chaired

2020Connections and Relationships Shaping and Redefining Queerness in Education, Virtual, April 8-12.
2018Queering Research, International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, IL, May 16-19.
2016Issues of Identity Navigation and Construction Among Queer Youth. American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC, April 8-12.
2013LGBTQ Youth and the Promise of Education: From Bullying to Affirmation. American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 27-May 1.


2022How to Design a Clear and Effective Contract Grading System, 48th AMATYC Annual Conference, Toronto, November 17-20.
2022Alternative Assessment Strategies for Community College Mathematics. ArizMATYC/MAA Southwestern Section Joint Conference, Mesa, April 1-2.
2021LGBTQ and Disability Identity in Mathematics Education: Intersections, Reflections, and Approaches. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Meeting & Exposition, Virtual, May 1.
2018Designing Mathematics Tasks Using Universal Design for Learning. Pima Faculty Teaching Strategies Workshop, Tucson, August 11.
2018An Inqu[ee]ry into LGBTQ and Mathematical Identity. TODOS: Mathematics for All Conference, Scottsdale, June 21-23.
2018Leveraging Learning Theory to Improve Instruction. Leather Leadership Conference, Atlanta, March 9-11.
2017Adapting Problems to make them Groupworthy. Pima Faculty Teaching Strategies Workshop, Tucson, August 12.
2017Against Pedagogy: Why We Need to Force the Teaching Genie Back into the Bottle. Leather Leadership Conference, Atlanta, March 10-12.
2017CPM For Students with Disabilities: Curricular Support for Universal Design, CPM Teacher Conference, San Francisco, February 23-25.
2016Moving from Individual Deficits to Complex Instruction. TODOS: Mathematics

for All, Scottsdale, June 23-25.

2014                 From Individual Deficits to Complex Instruction. California Mathematics Council-North (Asilomar), Pacific Grove, December 5-7.

2013                 Rethinking Mathematics (Dis)ability: From Deficit to Complex Instruction.

California Mathematics Council-North (Asilomar), Pacific Grove, December 6-8.


Higher Education

2021     Level One Certificate, Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL)

K-12 Education

2022     California Clear Single Subject Teaching Certificate, Grades 6-12, Mathematics 2022       Arizona Standard Teaching Certificate, Grades 6-12, Mathematics

2020     Arizona Computer Science Approved Area

2020     Arizona Subject Matter Expert Standard Teaching Certificate, Grades 6-12, Mathematics 2017    Arizona Standard Professional Mild/Moderate Disabilities Special Education, K-12 2015        California Clear Educational Specialist Mild/Moderate Disabilities Certificate, K-12.


2020            Arizona Standard Adult Education Certificate 2019            Google Certified Educator, Level Two


Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ, Instructor of Record

Elementary Algebra (Fall 2018)

Mathematics Success Support (Fall 2018, Fall 2021)

Topics: Finance, Data Analysis, Statistics (Spring/Fall 2018, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Summer 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2024) and

Corequisite (Spring 2022)

College Algebra (Fall 2017, Spring 2020, Fall 2023, Spring 2024) and Corequisite (Fall


Trigonometry (Fall 2021) Business Calculus (Fall 2021)

Calculus 1 (Spring 2022, Summer 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024) Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II (Summer 2022)

Pre-College Algebra (Fall 2022, Spring 2023) Pre-Calculus Accelerated (Fall 2022)

Pre-Calculus I (Spring 2023)

College Success and Career Planning (Spring 2024)

University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Schedule for Success, Beginning Algebra Support Course (Instructor of Record, Fall 2016/2017)

Secondary Math Methods (Teaching Assistant for credit, Fall 2017) Elementary Math Methods (Teaching Assistant for credit, Spring 2016) Student Teacher University Supervisor, High School (for credit, Spring 2018)


Art of Problem Solving (AoPS), Online

Pre-Algebra (Spring 2020)

Pre-Algebra 2 (Summer 2020)

Introduction to Algebra B (Summer 2020, Fall 2020) Intro to Counting and Probability (Fall 2020) Intermediate Algebra (Spring 2021)

Python (Summer 2021)

Pre-Calculus (Winter 2022)

Paradoxes and Infinity (Summer 2023)

California Virtual Academies at San Mateo, Online

Special Education (Fall 2013- Spring 2015)

Algebra 1(Fall 2013- Spring 2015)

Pre-Algebra (Fall 2013- Spring 2015)

Writing (Fall 2013- Spring 2015)

Japanese Community Youth Council Upward Bound, San Francisco, CA

Algebra 2 (Summer 2013)

Pre-Calculus (Summer 2013)

Tilden Preparatory, Walnut Creek, CA

Algebra 2 (Summer 2012)

Pre-Calculus (Summer 2012) Linear Algebra (Summer 2012)

Denman Middle School, San Francisco, CA

Special Education (Summer 2010)


Pima College Service

Pima Community College / University of Arizona Faculty Mentor for S-STEM Transfer Student

Cohort, 2022-23

Pima Community College Faculty Allocation Collaborative Taskforce (FACT), 2023-24 Pima Community College Mathematics Division Faculty Committee, Faculty Qualifications

Task Force, 2023

Pima Community College Mathematics Division Faculty Committee, Grading Policy Subcommittee, Chair, 2021-23

Pima Community College Faculty Senate, 2020-24

Pima Community College All Employee Representative Council (AERC), 2021, 2023-24 Presenter, Pima Faculty Teaching Strategies Workshop, 2022, 2018, 2017

Presenter, Pima Online Faculty Conference, 2021, 2022 Pima Adjunct Faculty Committee, 2017-21

Service to the Profession

Mindfulness SIG Co-Chair, Professional and Organizational Development (POD Network), 2023-24

The Critical Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Institute for Mathematics Education (CPPI ME), Fellow, 2021-Present.

Pathways Statement Subcommittee, American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, 2020-21 (Transitioned to A-Net, 2022)

Editorial Board, The Qualitative Report, 2017-21 Manuscript Review Board, Disability Studies, 2017-19

AERA Paulo Freire SIG, Graduate Student Advisory Board, 2016-17

Psychology of Mathematics Education – North American Chapter (PME-NA) National Steering Committee, 2016-17

AERA Queer SIG Steering Committee, 2012-13

California Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Advocacy Committee, 2013-17


American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2008-2023

American Mathematical Association of the Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC), 2018-2024 Arizona Mathematical Association of the Two-Year Colleges (ArizMATYC), 2017-2022 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), 2016-2025

Mathematical Association of America (MAA), 2016-2023 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 2013-2023

Professional Organizational Development (POD) Network, 2019-2023 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2021-2022 TODOS: Mathematics for All, 2014-2026

James Sheldon

Curriculum Vitae

December 20, 2020


Ph.D.               Teaching and Teacher Education, University of Arizona, 2022 (expected)

M.A.                Mathematics, University of Northern Colorado, 2019

M.A.                Special Education, San Francisco State University, 2014

M.A.                Equity and Social Justice in Education, San Francisco State University, 2010

B.A.                Interdisciplinary Computer Science Teaching, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2006

Teaching Credential

2015                Mild-to-Moderate Educational Specialist (K-12), San Francisco State University


Peer Reviewed Research Journals

2019          Rands, K & Sheldon, J. The Possibility of a Disability Studies in Education Continuing Education Course: A Deleuzoguattarian Stratoanalysis. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing 34(1), 83-90.  http://journal.jctonline.org/index.php/jct/article/view/768/389

2017          Sheldon, J., & Rands, K. Whatever will be will be: Queering disabled subjects’ temporality. Philosophical Inquiry in Education, 24(4), 368–378. https://journals.sfu.ca/pie/index.php/pie/article/view/947.

2017          The pedagogy of the student: Reclaiming agency in receptive subject-positions. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 32(1), 91-103. http://journal.jctonline.org/index.php/jct/article/view/681/Sheldon.

2017          Problematizing reflexivity, validity, and disclosure: Research by people with disabilities about disability. The Qualitative Report, 22(4), 984-1000. http://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol22/iss4/4/.

Peer Reviewed Practitioner Journals

2019          Wood, M.B., Sheldon, J., Felton-Koestler, M.D., Oslund, J., Parks, A. N., Crespo, S., & Featherstone, H. Supporting equitable participation: Eight teaching moves. Teaching Children Mathematics, 25(4), 218-223.

Practitioner Books

2019          Tan, P., Padilla, A., Mason, E., & Sheldon, J. Humanizing disability in mathematics education: Forging new paths. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Editor Reviewed Publications

2019          Towards a queer curriculum of infinity. In Letts, W. and Fifield, S. STEM of desire: Queer theories in science education. Brill.

2016          “What works” doesn’t work: The problem with the call for evidence based practices in the classroom. Badass Teachers Association White Paper Series #2. http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED574817.pdf.

2016          Versatile: A queer interpretation of collaborative groupwork. In Brockenbrough, E., Ingrey, J., Martino, W, and Rodriguez, N.M. Critical Concepts in Queer Studies and Education: An International Guide for the Twenty-First Century. Palgrave-MacMillian.

2014          Transforming from the bottom up: A book review of mathematics for equity: A framework for successful practice. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 7(2). http://ed-osprey.gsu.edu/ojs/index.php/JUME/article/view/240/164.

2004          Grading students without degrading learning. In National Teaching and Learning Forum 13. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ntlf.10075/epdf.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

2018          Sheldon, J. and Rands, K. Constructing microworlds, constructing knowledge, constructing communities: Mathematical microworlds and constructivist theory, 40th North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (p. 1285).

2017          Sheldon, J. and Rands, K. Reframing mathematics disability: Emerging critical perspectives. 39th North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 1443).

2017          Lewis, K., Sheldon, J., et al. Critical perspectives on disability and mathematics education. 39th North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 1474-1480).

2016          Sheldon, J., Patterson, C., & Wood, M. Problem solving as co-construction of narrative: Collaboration and shared cognition in a calculus workshop. 38th North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 1149).

2016          Sheldon, J., Rands, K, et al. Reframing interventions in mathematics education: Emerging critical perspectives. 38th North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 1698-1703).

2013          Sheldon, J. and Rands, K. Queering, trans-forming, and en-gendering mathematics and mathematics education. 35th North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 1367-1373).

Articles in Submission

Designing Tasks for Collaborative Groupwork. MathAMATYC Educator.

Constructing Microworlds, Constructing Knowledge, Constructing Communities: Mathematical Microworlds and Constructivist Theory. Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education.



2020                Hollis L. Caswell Laureate Scholarship, Kappa Delta Pi

2018                Erasmus Circle Graduate Scholarship, College of Education, University of Arizona

2018                Baer Reintegration Scholarship, The Center for Reintegration

2017                Sir Alan Penrod Scholarship, Leather Leadership Conference

2013                Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Scholarship, California State University


2016                Graduate Student Paper Award, Journal of Curriculum Theorizing (Bergamo Conference)

2016                Student Paper Winner, “The 2003 Naturist Youth Camp Controversy: A Case Study of Youth Agency,” Naturist Education Foundation

2016                Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program Scholar, California State University Office of the Chancellor

2014                Distinguished Achievement Award, Division of Graduate Studies, San Francisco State University

Travel Grants

2017                Contemplative Social Justice Scholar, Center for Contemplative Mind in Society

2017                Mini Grant Award, Arizona Association of Teachers of Mathematics

2016                AERA Division B (Curriculum Studies) Travel Stipend

2016                AERA Paulo Freire, Critical Pedagogy and Emancipation, SIG Travel Stipend

2010                Conference Travel Grant, AERA Division D


Conference Presentations

2020                “This research is not generalizable”: Revisiting John Elliott’s concept of universalizable research. International Conference of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, IL, May 20-23. (cancelled).

2020                Sheldon, J and Rands, K. DisEdQueer (Disability Studies / in Education / Queer): A methodology of practice. International Conference of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, IL, May 20-23. (cancelled).

2020                Bringing multiply marginalized identities into teaching: The role of non-teaching identities in the mathematics classroom. American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, San Francisco, CA, Apr 15-17.

2019                Towards a queer curriculum of infinity: An extension of Sumara and Davis’ Queer Curriculum Theory. Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Practice, Dayton, OH, Oct 10-12.

2019                “F*** it, Autism is a gender now”: a case study of an Autistic, Non-binary Mathematics teacher. Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Practice, Dayton, OH, Oct 10-12. 

2019                Mathematics teacher identity, teacher identity, and intersectional identities: An overview and recommendations for further research. Mathematics Education and Society International Conference, Hyderabad, India, Jan 28-Feb 2.

2018                Beyond empiricism: The role of fiction in phenomenological research. Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, Dayton, OH, November 1-3.

2018                Complicity in silence: Middle school and high school as an incipient queer. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, IL, May 16-19.

2018                How do you even do this? A tour of queering mathematics and mathematics education. American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Conference, Queens, NY, April 11-13.

2017                Sheldon, J. and Courey, S. Mathematical and queer identity in schools: Educational disparities and lost opportunities. American Association for theAdvancement of Curriculum Studies, San Antonio, TX, April 24-27.

2016                From no future to the ship of fools: Building an alternative futurity for children and adults with disabilities. International Somatechnics Conference, Byron Bay, Australia, December 1-3.

2016                The learning of the oppressed: Reclaiming agency in receptive subject-positions. Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, Dayton, OH, October 13-15.

2016                Universal design for learning in Algebra 1 textbooks: A queer curriculum theory reading. Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, Dayton, OH, October 13-15.

2016                Sheldon, J. and Rands, K. Normative temporality in the intervention paradigm: Towards a queer/trans critique. Trans*Studies: An International Transdisciplinary Conference on Gender, Embodiment, and Sexuality, Tucson, AZ, September 7-10.

2016                Why subjectivity matters: Case studies of using queer autoethnography in educational research. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, IL, May 19-21.

2013                Erasing queer subjects, constructing disabled subjects: Towards a queering of mathematics disabilities. Debilitating Queerness: DC Queer Studies Symposium, College Park, MD, April 5. http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED560838.pdf

2012                Teaching the unteachable: Constructing a queer pedagogy by reading Samuel Delany’s The Mad Man. Delany at 70: Honoring the Life and Work of Samuel R. Delany: DC Queer Studies Symposium, College Park, MD, April 20.

2010                The California Teachers’ Association Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Caucus: Transforming a heteronormative organization. American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 30-May 4.

2010                (Re)Searching queer subjects: Issues and challenges in the development and implementation of queer methodologies. American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 30-May 4. http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED538185.pdf.

Sessions Chaired

2018                Queering Research, International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign, IL, May 16-19.

2016                Issues of Identity Navigation and Construction Among Queer Youth. American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC, April 8-12.

2013                LGBTQ Youth and the Promise of Education: From Bullying to Affirmation. American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 27-May 1.


2021                Invited, LGBTQ and Disability Identity in Mathematics Education: Intersections, Reflections, and Approaches. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Meeting & Exposition, St Louis, April 21-24. 

2018                Designing Mathematics Tasks Using Universal Design for Learning. Pima Faculty Teaching Strategies Workshop, Tucson, August 11.

2018                An Inqu[ee]ry into LGBTQ and Mathematical Identity. TODOS: Mathematics for All Conference, Scottsdale, June 21-23.

2018                Leveraging Learning Theory to Improve Instruction. Leather Leadership Conference, Atlanta, March 9-11.

2017                Adapting Problems to make them Groupworthy. Pima Faculty Teaching Strategies Workshop, Tucson, August 12.

2017                Against Pedagogy: Why We Need to Force the Teaching Genie Back into the Bottle. Leather Leadership Conference, Atlanta, March 10-12.

2017                CPM For Students with Disabilities: Curricular Support for Universal Design, CPM Teacher Conference, San Francisco, February 23-25.

2016                Moving from Individual Deficits to Complex Instruction. TODOS: Mathematics for All, Scottsdale, June 23-25.

2014                From Individual Deficits to Complex Instruction. California Mathematics Council-North (Asilomar), Pacific Grove, December 5-7.

2013                Rethinking Mathematics (Dis)ability: From Deficit to Complex Instruction. California Mathematics Council-North (Asilomar), Pacific Grove, December 6-8.


Research Assistant (for credit), Identity Noyce Project (Spring 2018, Fall 2019)

Summer Research Intern, Vector Calculus and Discourse Project (Summer 2014)


Pima Community College, Instructor of Record

Elementary Algebra (Fall 2018)

Mathematics Success Support (Fall 2018)

Topics: Finance, Data Analysis, Statistics (Spring/Fall 2018, Fall 2020)

College Algebra (Fall 2017, Spring 2020)

University of Arizona

(Instructor of Record)

Schedule for Success, Beginning Algebra Support Course (Fall 2016/2017)

(Teaching Assistant for Credit)

Student Teaching uMentor/Supervisor (Spring 2018)

Secondary Math Methods (Fall 2017)

Elementary Math Methods (Spring 2017)

Diversity and Special Education Graduate Seminar (Spring 2017, Fall 2018)

(Teaching Assistant)

Informal Learning Environments, Teaching Personal Responsibility (Spring 2016)


Art of Problem Solving (AoPS)

Pre-Algebra (Spring 2020)

Pre-Algebra 2 (Summer 2020)

Introduction to Algebra B (Summer 2020, Fall 2020)

Intro to Counting and Probability (Fall 2020)

Intermediate Algebra (Spring 2021)

Additional Substitute Teaching Experience: Contest Preparation, Programming with Python, Precalculus, Intermediate Algebra, Geometry, Number Theory

California Virtual Academies at San Mateo

Special Education, Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra, Writing (Fall 2013- Spring 2015)

Japanese Community Youth Council (JCYC) Upward Bound

Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus (Summer 2013)

Tilden Preparatory

Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, Linear Algebra (Summer 2012)

Denman Middle School

Special Education (Spring 2013, Summer 2010)


Community College Service

Pathways Statement Subcommittee, American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, 2020   

Mathematics Standards in the Two-Year Colleges Committee (Pathways Subcommittee Representative), American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, 2020

Pima Community College Faculty Senate, 2020-2022         

Presenter, Pima Faculty Teaching Strategies Workshop, 2018, 2017           

Pima Adjunct Faculty Committee, 2017-2020

Peer Review

American Educational Research Association, Society of Professors of Education, Psychology of Mathematics Education, North America Conference

The Mathematics Teacher, The High School Journal, Journal of Curriculum Theorizing    

Editorial Board, The Qualitative Report, 2017-18    

Manuscript Review Board, Disability Studies, 2017-19       

Special Issue, “Putting Theory to Work in Teacher Education for Social Justice,” Issues in Teacher Education,2016

Travel Grant, Graduate and Professional Student Council, University of Arizona 2015-18

National Committee Service

AERA Paulo Freire SIG, Graduate Student Advisory Board, 2016-17        

Psychology of Mathematics Education – North American Chapter (PME-NA) National Steering Committee, 2016-17          

Psychology of Mathematics Education – North American Chapter (PME-NA) Local Organizing Committee, 2015-16

AERA Queer SIG Steering Committee, 2012-13      

Statewide Committee Service

California Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Advocacy Committee, 2012-17          

University Committee Service

Academic Personnel Policies Committee, University of Arizona, 2016-18

Vice President, College of Education Student Government (“EdGov”), University of Arizona, 2016-17

Graduate Council, University of Arizona, 2016-17

Student Health Insurance Advisory Committee, University of Arizona, 2016-17    

Graduate and Professional Student Council, University of Arizona, 2016-17          

Graduate Student Organizing Committee, University of Arizona, 2015-18 

Safe Zone Facilitator, Office of LGBTQ Affairs, University of Arizona, 2015-16

Graduate Curriculum Committee, Department of Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies, University of Arizona, 2015-16       


Professional Organizations

American Mathematical Association of the Two-Year Colleges

Arizona Association of Teachers of Mathematics (AATM)

Arizona Mathematical Association of the Two-Year Colleges

National Writers Union (NWU)

TODOS: Mathematics for All

Research Organizations

American Educational Research Association (AERA): Division B (Curriculum Studies), Disability Studies in Education SIG, Paulo Freire SIG, Queer SIG, Research in Mathematics Education SIG, Special Education SIG

Honor Societies

Kappa Delta Pi (Educators)


2020    Arizona Standard Adult Education Certificate (Expires: 06/10/2033)

2020    Arizona Structured English Immersion Certification

2020    Arizona Computer Science Approved Area

2020    Brightspace D2L LEAD Level Certification, Pima Community College

2020    Arizona Subject Matter Expert Standard Teaching Certificate, Grades 6-12, Mathematics (Expires: 6/1/2032)

2019    Google Certified Educator, Level Two

2018    Faculty Teaching Standards Certificate: General Education, Special Education, Developmental Mathematics, Teaching Mathematics, Academic Mathematics, Pima Community College

2017    Arizona Standard Professional Mild/Moderate Disabilities Special Education, K-12 (Expires: 6/10/2025). 

2015    California Clear Professional Education Specialist Instruction Credential, Mild-Moderate Disabilities, Grades K-12, Autism Authorization, English Learner Authorization (ELA) Authorization (Expires: February 2025)